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Day Runner 2016 9 x 11 Inches Planner (854-431)

The Day Runner 2016 planner in the size of 9 x 11 inches and with the model number 854-431 is a useful tool for organizing your daily, weekly, and monthly activities. This planner provides ample space to keep track of your schedule, appointments, and important dates throughout the year 2016. The planner is designed with a durable cover that protects it from wear and tear. It also includes features like tabbed dividers, reference pages, and note pages to help you stay organized and efficient. With its spiral binding, it lays flat on a desk or table, making it easy to write in and use. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or a homemaker, the Day Runner 2016 planner can help you stay on top of your schedule and achieve your goals. Its comprehensive design and user-friendly features make it a great choice for anyone who wants to manage their time effectively.

Pros and cons of Day Runner 2016


  1. The cover is durable, which is great because I tend to toss my planner around like a hot potato.
  2. The tabbed dividers are a nice touch. Every time I flip to a new section, I feel like a fancy executive.
  3. There's a lot of space to write, so I can let loose my thoughts and plans. Plus, it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something by filling up all that white space.


  1. The spiral binding is a bit of a pain. Sometimes it gets caught in my hair, and I look like a mess. Not a good look.
  2. The reference pages are useless. I mean, who needs a world time zone map in their planner? Do they think I'm traveling to Uzbekistan anytime soon?
  3. The note pages are a trap. They make me think I'm being productive by jotting down random thoughts, but I procrastinate.
Overall, the Day Runner 2016 is a decent planner. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. And if I ever do travel to Uzbekistan, at least I'll be prepared.

Why Should I Buy Day Runner 2016?

This bad boy is the ultimate tool for anyone who wants to take their organization game to the next level. With its sleek design, durable cover, and plenty of note-taking space, the Day Runner 2016 is like a personal assistant without annoying phone calls and coffee runs. Here are just a few reasons why you need the Day Runner 2016 in your life:
  1. It's got plenty of space for all your important dates and deadlines. Never miss a birthday, anniversary, or work meeting again!
  2. It's durable enough to withstand daily use, so you don't have to worry about falling apart after a few weeks.
  3. It's the perfect size for your bag or purse, so you can take it wherever you go.
  4. It has plenty of extra features, like reference pages, contact lists, and note-taking space, so that you can use it for all your organizational needs.
  5. Crossing off tasks and appointments once you've completed them is so satisfying. It's like a mini-victory every time!

Things To Consider before you buy Day Runner 2016

Before you take the leap and purchase this organizing gem, there are a few things you should consider: Are you ready to commit? This planner is not for the faint of heart. It requires dedication and commitment to keep up with your schedule. If you're more of a "fly by the seat of your pants" person, this planner might not be for you. Do you have good handwriting? Let's be real. No one wants to look at scribbled-out chicken scratch. If your handwriting looks like a spider crawling across the page, stick to digital calendars. Can you handle the pressure? Once you write something down in this planner, it's official. If you miss an appointment or deadline, there's no blaming you for your forgetfulness. You have no one to blame but yourself. Are you easily distracted? The Day Runner 2016 is chock-full of reference pages and note-taking opportunities. It's easy to get sucked into a Wikipedia rabbit hole or spend hours doodling on the note pages. If you can't resist the temptation, this planner may be a distraction, not a tool. Can you handle the envy? Once your coworkers see you whip out this bad boy, they will be so jealous. Are you ready to handle the spotlight? Can you handle the paparazzi following you around the office? If not, maybe choose a more low-key planner.


Q: Will this planner make me more productive?

A: Absolutely! We guarantee you'll become a productivity machine with the Day Runner 2016. You'll be so organized you'll practically be running the world. Just don't forget to take breaks and drink water.

Q: Can I use this planner to plan my upcoming wedding?

A: Of course! The Day Runner 2016 is perfect for organizing your big Day's intricate details. Just be prepared for your future spouse to be jealous of your planning skills.

Q: Is this planner environmentally friendly?

A: We'd like to think so! The cover is made from recycled materials, and the pages are sourced from responsibly managed forests. Plus, it's a planner, encouraging you to plan and be proactive, which is good for the planet, right?

Q: Can I use this planner to plan my next vacation?

A: Absolutely! The Day Runner 2016 is great for organizing travel plans, including flight times, hotel reservations, and sightseeing activities. Just be sure to pack it in your carry-on luggage.

Q: Is this planner compatible with my smartphone?

A: Technically, no. But who needs a smartphone when you have a trusty planner by your side? Plus, the Day Runner 2016 never runs out of battery or accidentally gets dropped in the toilet.

Q: Will my friends be jealous of my planner?

A: Absolutely! Your friends will be green with envy when they see how organized and put-together you are. Just be prepared for them to start borrowing your planner and copying your organizational style.


Congratulations! You've made it to the end of this delightful journey through the world of the Day Runner 2016 Planner. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a skeptic on the fence, we hope we've convinced you that this planner is truly a game-changer. With its sleek design, durable cover, and plenty of note-taking space, the Day Runner 2016 is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to take their organization game to the next level. Whether you're a busy professional, a forgetful student, or just someone who wants to stay on top of their life, this planner has got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Click that "Buy Now" button and start your journey to the ultimate organization today. Your future self (and your mom) will thank you.